Executive Director
Rev. Greg Gaffney has been the Executive Director of PowerSurge Worship Ministries since the fall of 2004. His role includes leadership in creating ministry vision, development and oversight of ministry strategies and operations, development of the board of directors, as well as the planning and coordination of ministry opportunities.
Greg previously served for ten years on the faculty of Moody Bible Institute, three years as Pastor of Worship and Administration at Des Plaines Bible Church in Illinois and nine years as Associate Pastor at Grace Bible Chapel in Chester, NJ. Concurrent with his duties with PWM, he has maintained relationships with the local church, serving in part-time capacities on the pastoral staff of Bethlehem Church in Randolph, NJ and as Associate Pastor of Worship and Music at Sparta Evangelical Free Church in Sparta, NJ. Currently alongside his role with PWM he serves as Interim Director of Worship at Lafayette Federated Church and on the faculty of Veritas Christian Academy as Director of Music and Girl’s Head Basketball Coach.
He has been privileged to travel around the world working with missionaries and churches using athletics and music as platforms for evangelism. These experiences have helped create a passion in him which led to his joining with a group of men and women to first pray for direction and then to found PowerSurge Worship Ministries.
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His short term missions experiences have taken him to Mexico, the Bahamas, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Spain, Iceland, Brazil, Norway, Jamaica, Sweden, Canada, Germany, Poland, Taiwan and Cyprus as well as numerous locations stateside. He has served as musician, worship leader, clinician and speaker for numerous ministry events throughout the world. He is co-author of the Why Do We Gather bible study and the Worship 101 seminar curriculum.
Greg and his wife Kathy are proud parents of four children, Grant, Kaitlyn, Kristin, and Garrett and currently reside in Franklin, NJ.